About Me

Gone are the days where the talented professional struggles to find satisfaction in their career, fails to get recognized for their hard work and are barely paid what they’re worth. Today is about freedom to create the life you desire and deserve and use your talents, skills, and knowledge to build your own dream instead of someone else’s. Your time is now!

Hi, I’m Elle and this is where I brag about how awesome I am, the amazing life I’ve created for myself, and the number of people I’ve helped discover their passion and build wildly successful businesses by turning their knowledge into profit. But first, let me talk about a few things I’m not so good at, how awkwardly introverted I am and why it took me years to build what should’ve only taken me a third of the time and how my mistakes can greatly benefit and accelerate your success.

I’d always known in my heart that I was an Entrepreneur. Not only that, but I wanted more than anything to help others find and live in their truth and impact the world through their gifts. There was only one problem…

(Continue Story…I need to tell my story, of how and why I do what I do, and how I can help my customers.)

Introducing Ellevation Coaching

Imagine experiencing the freedom to dream big again
Imagine waking up each day loving what you do
Imagine being your own boss and deciding your own income
Imagine doing it all using nothing more than what you know and/or do now

How?…In Ellevation Coaching, I teach the everyday professional how to take what they currently know and use it to generate more income and, if desired, transition from employee to entrepreneur and build profitable businesses.

# of books I wrote

# of languages I speak in

# of fruit chews I can eat on my own


% of time I fail to get out of bed before 8 am


  Contact Me


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